Calling ALL podcatsers & expert guests who want to boost their confidence for more impact & fulfillment. Now is the time!


  • Do you long to share your unique voice with the world, but struggle to find the confidence to do so?
  • Do you find yourself hesitating to hit the record button, fearing that your message isn't good enough?
  • Are you struggling to attract listeners and turn them into loyal followers because of a lack of confidence?
  • Do you wish you could confidently approach sponsors or create products to monetize your podcast, but don't know where to start?

You're not alone. Many aspiring podcasters face the daunting challenge of stepping into the spotlight and owning their narrative. But imagine if you could not only conquer your fears but also turn your passion into profit.

Want to tap into our methods for not only conquering fears and doubts, but also unlocking the potential to monetize your message and create a thriving podcasting business.

Introducing Podcasting with Confidence, where we want to empower you to amplify your voice and thrive in the podcasting arena.

Get this kit now for only $5

This is for...

  • Online coaches
  • Course creators
  • Service Providers
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Authors
  • Consultants
  • Content creators
  • Speakers
  • Entrepreneurs

who want to boost their confidence & monetize their message

Something to think about...

Please be clear, I didn't create this becasue I'm a confidence guru - not even close - but because I've struggled with a lack of self confidence myself - many times - and this is what works for me. I know this could help other podcasters, speakers, authors, coaches & creators just like you. I'm sharing my "Podcasting with Confidence" journal to encourage and inspire you.

Did you know, 63% of aspiring podcasters cite a lack of confidence as the primary barrier to starting their show? That's a staggering number of voices silenced by self-doubt and fear.

Even seasoned podcasters can be stopped in their tracks from crippling self-doubt and second guessing. Ultimately, hindering their ability to connect authentically with their audience and monetize their message.

Countless talented individuals remain stuck in a cycle of hesitation, unable to unleash their full potential and make a meaningful impact in the podcasting world.

Be gentle on yourself. We've all been there.

Imagine the stories left untold, the insights left unshared, simply because of a lack of confidence. It's time to break free from this cycle and unlock your full potential as a podcaster!

With Podcasting with Confidence, you can stop sabotaging with self-doubt and start stepping into your power as a podcaster. This kit is designed to equip you with the skills, mindset, and resources needed to thrive in the world of podcasting, and beyond. All while doing it in a heart-centered way that just feels good.

Here's what's included:

Podcasting Promo Mockups

Podcasting with Confidence Journal

A journaling experience tailored specifically for podcasters, helping you cultivate self-awareness, confidence, and clarity in yourself & your message.

Podcasting Promo Mockups

Self-Love Journal

Dive deep into self-discovery and self-care practices to nourish your mind, essential for maintaining resilience and confidence in your podcasting journey.

Not only that, but take a look at this...

I also want to help you help others. And I want to give you a hand up towards monetizing your message and podcast.

So, I'm going to include the Canva templates for 2 powerful journals that you can customize and brand as your own! That's right! Use them for your own learning AND to monetize your message. Add these to a package, program, course or membership to bring value to your clients and members.

PLR Templates:

The New System to Launch an Online Business

Fear Conquering Journal

Inside these pages, you'll find prompts that'll spark your courage, help you confront fears, and keep you on track. They're like little nudges toward a more fearless you. Conquering fear is a journey, not a destination. With every entry, you're not just writing; you're scripting your own fearless story.

The New System to Launch an Online Business

Self Discovery Journal

This workbook is designed to help you elevate your self-worth to improve your self-love. Through the use of questions, step-by-step instructions, exercises, and examples, this worksheet will help you to discover more about yourself and to gain a better understanding of who you are and what you need to be happy and fulfilled.


30 Affirmations for Podcasters

Podcasting Promo Mockups

Using affirmations can profoundly impact podcasters by fostering a positive mindset and boosting confidence, empowering them to overcome self-doubt and fear. Consistent practice of affirmations can cultivate resilience, creativity, and a sense of purpose, enhancing the quality of their content and connection with their audience.

With our Podcasting with Confidence methods, you'll not only conquer your fears and doubts but also unlock the potential to monetize your message and create a thriving community of confident creators.

It's more than just a kit of journals, workbooks & affirmations; it's a transformative step in your journey toward podcasting success and turning your passion into profit.

This is only avaiable for $5 for a limited time.

After the launch period, this kit will be placed in a membership and no longer accessible for the low special offer price.


Payment Form:

Place your order as:

Billing details:


Are there any refunds?

No, due to the digital nature of our templates & trainings, we do not offer refunds.

Is there a time limit for this kit?

Upon purchase, please download the PDF and open the Canva templates in your own account asap. You can then keep them forever. This is a limited time offer and after the launch period, this kit will be placed in a membership and no longer accessible through this $5 special offer.

How do the templates work?

We provide some Canva templates that you can customize with your own branding, style & colors, and then flatten into a PDF to use to work with your clients and members. Check each item of the licensing and limitations.

You cannot sell or redistribute the PDF documents or the Canva templates themselves.

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